Friday, October 16, 2009

Dream Poem

Thyith walks in thy hazyness

where thou cannot see up ahead

dream like features. I leave, thouith
is gone no where to find you.

There I amith walking.


I am in a tree.
Nothing but me,

I do not know what has happened.

For I am down yet again, walking,


A rope to the entryway of life.

Shall I enter or shall i prevail
you will not find me, for I am gone.

Thyith walks in hazyness

where thou cannot see.


Zoom, Zap I am there.

Caught in a web, like a moth ready for despair.

Escape before I am found.

For it comes.

The one with many.

The one called arachnid.

Thyith walks in hazyness

where thou cannot see.

I wake.

dream like world to return...

I am asleep.

I must start over.

1 comment:

  1. You did an excellent job building a dream sequence with your various images- both image effects and the poem help tie everything together. Much of your poetic phrasing captures your spirit (like, "zoom, zap I am there"). Great!
